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Caroline Ellis Grammatica, Administrative Assistant

Caroline Ellis Grammatica, Administrative Assistant

Administrative Assistant

Caroline's industry experience combined with her positive approach to life adds to her success on the Scharf Group team as she supports our clients, prospective clients, and financial advisors.

Marital status: Married

Children: Gigi

Pets: Shih-Tzu - Max

Where did you work before starting Scharf Group? Started at Barclays Bank, Jersey Channel Islands, UK.  In Florida - Prudential Securities, Edward Jones, and Wells Fargo Financial Network.

What do you like best about working at Scharf Group? Definitely, the positive mental attitude.

Zodiac sign? Capricorn

Favorite color(s)? Many, but for clothing probably black.

Where did you go to High School? Jersey, Channel Islands, UK

Where outside of this country would you like to travel? Everywhere, but would but would love to go back to Spain and Italy.

Favorite food(s)? Ice Cream.

Favorite book(s)? "Science of Getting Rich" and "Think and Grow Rich".

Favorite TV show(s): Hallmark Movies (if I get a chance).

My key to success: Positive mental attitude.  Going the extra mile and keep a super clear vision of my desires.

Famous person (deceased) you would like to meet? Walt Disney.

Favorite Quote(s)? “Nothing is impossible...the very word itself says 'I'm possible’”. - Audrey Hepburn